KONA COMMONS PRESENTS Gommum y THROUGH PARTNERSHIPS WITH SEASIDE COMMUNITIES, LEGACY REEF FOUNDATION EXISTS TO CREATÉ HEALTHY REEFS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD; ENSURING THAT COASTAL RESIDENTS HAV A SUSTAINABLE FOOD SOURCE FOR GENERATIONS TO COME. LEGACY REEF FOUNDATIOoN Visit www.legacyreeffoundation.org to learn more Kona Commons is proud to support local nonprofit organizations. Every month we will recognize a new organization and highlight their vital work in the community. Please join us in support through volunteer work or monetary donations. konacommons.com akonacommons #konacommons KONA COMMONS KONA COMMONS PRESENTS Gommum y THROUGH PARTNERSHIPS WITH SEASIDE COMMUNITIES, LEGACY REEF FOUNDATION EXISTS TO CREATÉ HEALTHY REEFS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD; ENSURING THAT COASTAL RESIDENTS HAV A SUSTAINABLE FOOD SOURCE FOR GENERATIONS TO COME. LEGACY REEF FOUNDATIOoN Visit www.legacyreeffoundation.org to learn more Kona Commons is proud to support local nonprofit organizations. Every month we will recognize a new organization and highlight their vital work in the community. Please join us in support through volunteer work or monetary donations. konacommons.com akonacommons #konacommons KONA COMMONS