KAUHALE NEWS O U Ha HaA COMMUNITY COLLIGE PLAMANUI UNIVERSITY of HAWAI'I HAWAI'I COMMUNITY COLLEGE News from Hawai'i Community College - Pälamanui & University Center, West Hawai'i PLAMANUI Plamanui Campus Preserve will be outdoor lab, help conservation efforts Enroll for Spring 2022! Hawa'i Community College - Pälamanui is gaining a 706- acre forest preserve next door to campus that will be an import- ant outdoor learning area for students and the community. The "Pälamanui Campus Pre- serve" project has received the green light from the state Board of Land and Natural Resources, which authorized a memoran- dum of understanding (MOU) between the University of Ha- wali (UH) and Division of For- Hawai'i Community College- Pälamanui student Vinny Cervantes-Bautista gathers seeds from a estry and Wildlife (DOFAW) to wiliwili tree in the Palamanui Forest Preserve during a class excursion on Nov. 9. collaboratively manage the low- land dry forest area next to the North Kona campus. The parties enous wisdom, to restore and grams in Natural Science and ing a vital role in training the are in the process of completing protect and assist the äina, to Tropical Forest Ecosystem and next generation of conservation the MOU. Dr. Richard Stevens, a history lecturer at Hawai'i CC - Päla- students and community mem- serve as a learning resource. manui who has helped lead bers into the forest for years to the project, said it's a huge step help clear trails, gather seeds to grams align perfectly with this toward protecting a critical envi- propagate native plants and to unique outdoor laboratory, ceived $60,000 in legislative "This is the practice of indig- Hawaii CC has existing pro- tect it," Parsons said. "UH is play- Accepting applications for the Spring 2022 semester. Agroforestry Management that leaders, and there is therefore help it recover," said Stevens. Stevens has been taking could potentially use the pre- great overlap in the educational and resource protection mis- The application deadline is The project has already re- December 15. "These two academic pro- sions of both UH and DOFAW." connect students'study of histo- which creates potential oppor- funding that will most likely be Classes start on January 10. ronment. "The most endangered eco- ry to a real place. system in Hawai'i is the lowland dry forest, and in fact the low- Campbell, who is studying Lib- nette "Kalei" Haleamau-Kam, fencing and weed control, said land tropical dry forest is the eral Arts at Hawaii CC - Päla- Interim Director of Hawaii CC - Parsons. most endangered ecosystem manui. Time spent in the forest Pälamanui. worldwide," Stevens said. "In preserve supports academics, tunities for them to expand and used for the initial protection of One of those students is Hiwa grow in West Hawaii," said Ray- a grove of wiliwili trees through Apply online at hawaii.hawaii.edu/apply Haleamau-Kam pointed out Dr. Elliott Parsons, Natural that the forest preserve project other words, this type of forest saild Campbell, but has abso Area Reserves Specilist with aligns ith an on-campus proj- Need help applying? all over the world has almost reminded her of values like pa- DOFAW, said the collaboration ect to create a botanical garden. completely disappeared, so this tience that carry over into the with Hawai'i CC Pälamanui is is hugely important ecologically rest of her student life. to preserve what remains and restore what is gone." The Pälamanui Campus Pre- ture, forestry, possibly botany," for students is the perfect place ecosystems even if they can't serve features ancient Hawaiian Campbell said. "But also, in the to engage student curiosity, al- go into the preserve," said Ha- trails, archaeological sites, and action of restoring and perpet- low students to gain practical leamau-Kam. "We plan to use beautiful wiliwili trees, lama uating something, it gives stu- skills in conservation and re- the garden as an opportunity trees and other species that dents a sense of place and be- source management, and teach to provide the community with make it a place rich with oppor- longing and teaches values that students about the incredible information about what resides tunity for education and inspira- sometimes academics doesn't endemic biodiversity of the Ha- on our land, right in our back- tion, said Stevens. "The garden would allow keiki and kupuna to discover "Having a 706-acre dry forest and reconnect with the plants be a huge resource for agricul- preserve as a living laboratory that grow in lowland dry forest Join a Virtual a natural fit. Application Workshop at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 30! "The forest preserve would Visit https://bit.ly/2HwXOjs or scan QR code. hawaii.hawaii.edu/palamanui - 808-969-8816 73-4255 Ane Keohokälole Highway, Kailua-Kona, HI 96740. Hawai Community College is an Equal Opportunity/Affermative Action Institution. teach us." waiian Islands and how to pro- yard." KAUHALE NEWS O U Ha HaA COMMUNITY COLLIGE PLAMANUI UNIVERSITY of HAWAI'I HAWAI'I COMMUNITY COLLEGE News from Hawai'i Community College - Pälamanui & University Center, West Hawai'i PLAMANUI Plamanui Campus Preserve will be outdoor lab, help conservation efforts Enroll for Spring 2022! Hawa'i Community College - Pälamanui is gaining a 706- acre forest preserve next door to campus that will be an import- ant outdoor learning area for students and the community. The "Pälamanui Campus Pre- serve" project has received the green light from the state Board of Land and Natural Resources, which authorized a memoran- dum of understanding (MOU) between the University of Ha- wali (UH) and Division of For- Hawai'i Community College- Pälamanui student Vinny Cervantes-Bautista gathers seeds from a estry and Wildlife (DOFAW) to wiliwili tree in the Palamanui Forest Preserve during a class excursion on Nov. 9. collaboratively manage the low- land dry forest area next to the North Kona campus. The parties enous wisdom, to restore and grams in Natural Science and ing a vital role in training the are in the process of completing protect and assist the äina, to Tropical Forest Ecosystem and next generation of conservation the MOU. Dr. Richard Stevens, a history lecturer at Hawai'i CC - Päla- students and community mem- serve as a learning resource. manui who has helped lead bers into the forest for years to the project, said it's a huge step help clear trails, gather seeds to grams align perfectly with this toward protecting a critical envi- propagate native plants and to unique outdoor laboratory, ceived $60,000 in legislative "This is the practice of indig- Hawaii CC has existing pro- tect it," Parsons said. "UH is play- Accepting applications for the Spring 2022 semester. Agroforestry Management that leaders, and there is therefore help it recover," said Stevens. Stevens has been taking could potentially use the pre- great overlap in the educational and resource protection mis- The application deadline is The project has already re- December 15. "These two academic pro- sions of both UH and DOFAW." connect students'study of histo- which creates potential oppor- funding that will most likely be Classes start on January 10. ronment. "The most endangered eco- ry to a real place. system in Hawai'i is the lowland dry forest, and in fact the low- Campbell, who is studying Lib- nette "Kalei" Haleamau-Kam, fencing and weed control, said land tropical dry forest is the eral Arts at Hawaii CC - Päla- Interim Director of Hawaii CC - Parsons. most endangered ecosystem manui. Time spent in the forest Pälamanui. worldwide," Stevens said. "In preserve supports academics, tunities for them to expand and used for the initial protection of One of those students is Hiwa grow in West Hawaii," said Ray- a grove of wiliwili trees through Apply online at hawaii.hawaii.edu/apply Haleamau-Kam pointed out Dr. Elliott Parsons, Natural that the forest preserve project other words, this type of forest saild Campbell, but has abso Area Reserves Specilist with aligns ith an on-campus proj- Need help applying? all over the world has almost reminded her of values like pa- DOFAW, said the collaboration ect to create a botanical garden. completely disappeared, so this tience that carry over into the with Hawai'i CC Pälamanui is is hugely important ecologically rest of her student life. to preserve what remains and restore what is gone." The Pälamanui Campus Pre- ture, forestry, possibly botany," for students is the perfect place ecosystems even if they can't serve features ancient Hawaiian Campbell said. "But also, in the to engage student curiosity, al- go into the preserve," said Ha- trails, archaeological sites, and action of restoring and perpet- low students to gain practical leamau-Kam. "We plan to use beautiful wiliwili trees, lama uating something, it gives stu- skills in conservation and re- the garden as an opportunity trees and other species that dents a sense of place and be- source management, and teach to provide the community with make it a place rich with oppor- longing and teaches values that students about the incredible information about what resides tunity for education and inspira- sometimes academics doesn't endemic biodiversity of the Ha- on our land, right in our back- tion, said Stevens. "The garden would allow keiki and kupuna to discover "Having a 706-acre dry forest and reconnect with the plants be a huge resource for agricul- preserve as a living laboratory that grow in lowland dry forest Join a Virtual a natural fit. Application Workshop at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 30! "The forest preserve would Visit https://bit.ly/2HwXOjs or scan QR code. hawaii.hawaii.edu/palamanui - 808-969-8816 73-4255 Ane Keohokälole Highway, Kailua-Kona, HI 96740. Hawai Community College is an Equal Opportunity/Affermative Action Institution. teach us." waiian Islands and how to pro- yard."